
Learn How To See. Realize That Everything Connects To Everything Else.

Leonardo da Vinci

Historical Walking Tours of Downtown Fairmont, West Virginia

Local Paranormal/Folklore Investigations

Founded By: Rikki Butler

Photos, Audio, and Videos found on this site belong to R-N-R Ethereal Investigations and friends. For usage rights, please contact us. Thank You For Your Understanding!

Rosemary Williams
Brandy Gap #2 Tunnel “Flinderation” Tunnel
Monongah 1907 Mine Disaster Location, June 2019, West Virginia

What draws you here? Have you experienced the Paranormal?

Monongah 1907 Mine Disaster Location, June 2019, West Virginia

Originally Known as Coal Run since 1760’s
this location is now known as, Mid-City Parking lot, Fairmont WV.
area was once an active Native American trading post prior to white settlements. “Squatters” as the whites became known as, stumbled upon an ancient road. The origin of it’s construction was unknown even to the natives, encountered in 1763.
Before the White Settlers reached the banks of Marion County, an ancient macadam road made of mussel-shells and rock followed along the banks of the Monongahela River leading to the lower Kanawha Valley.
( Photo: Catawba Cemetery, Marion County, W.V.).

Can You Envision The Footsteps of The Ancients?

Did Elaborate Roads Connect Ancient Societies Of North America?

Engage In Conversations Of The Lost Native American Mussel-shell Roads of Marion County, W.V.

Top Photo: Marion County, West Virginia

Were There Giants In the Land of Marion County W.V.?

Long ago before the native tribes we know today, there were curious ancient forts along the rivers of the Appalachian Mountains. These ancient people filled the thriving, civilized, and long discovered mountainous state. Ancient prehistoric settlements and elaborate roads connected these finely crafted walled structures that once enclosed advanced societies of long ago. Why were these ancient forts abandoned? Many feel the Monongahela Culture and Fort Ancient Cultures joined together between 1400 C.E/ A.D. and 1635 C.E./A.D. to consolidate into defensive settlements.

Far Left Photo: Rivesville, W.V. Marion County ( Paw Paw Creek, Giant Skeleton Location circa 1799) Documented by Dr. Kidwell of Fairmont

The Ethereal World of R-N-R

Bryan Inghram of Appalachian Revenant League
Brenda Davis of Ethereal Investigations
R-N-R Ethereal Investigations Team Members:

Rikki Butler, Rose Williams, Amy Davis, and Brenda Davis.

The video was taken during a joint investigation with our friends from A.R.L. The location is the home of Co-Founder Rose Williams, on Freeland Street, Fairmont, W.V.

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